i3GEO.configura.locaplic = i3GEO.util.protocolo() + "://" + window.location.host + "/i3geo"; i3GEO.configura.autotamanho = false; i3GEO.Interface.IDCORPO = "contemImg"; i3GEO.gadgets.PARAMETROS.mostraMenuSuspenso.permiteLogin = true; i3GEO.Interface.openlayers.TILES = true; i3GEO.Interface.ATUAL = "googlemaps";i3GEO.scrollerWidth = 0; i3GEO.configura.guardaExtensao = true; i3GEO.gadgets.PARAMETROS.mostraMenuSuspenso.finaliza = 'if($i("omenudataInterface1")){i3GEOoMenuBar.getMenuItem("omenudataInterface1").cfg.setProperty("text", " ");}'; i3GEO.configura.optUsuarioLogado = true; i3GEO.configura.mapaRefDisplay = "none"; i3GEO.barraDeBotoes.ATIVA = false; i3GEO.configura.oMenuData["submenus"]["janelas"] = []; i3GEO.ajuda.ATIVAJANELA = false; i3GEO.arvoreDeTemas.OPCOESADICIONAIS.comentarios = false; i3GEO.arvoreDeCamadas.VERIFICAABRANGENCIATEMAS = false; i3GEO.arvoreDeCamadas.MOSTRALISTAKML = false; i3GEO.arvoreDeCamadas.MOSTRATITULO = false; i3GEO.mapa.AUTORESIZE = true; i3GEO.guias.TIPO = "movel"; i3GEO.guias.guiaMovel.config.topGuiaMovel = 36; i3GEO.janela.ativaAlerta(); i3GEO.finaliza = function() { if ($i("i3GEOlogoMarca")) { $i("i3GEOlogoMarca").style.display = "none"; } }; //indica se a opcao de navegacao nas pastas do servidor sera ativada i3GEO.arvoreDeTemas.OPCOESADICIONAIS.navegacaoDir = true; i3GEO.janela.TRANSICAOSUAVE = true; //desliga a camada com o mapa mundi //i3GEO.configura.mashuppar = "&temasa=bacias&layers=bacias"; (function() { if(typeof ol != "undefined" && i3GEO.Interface.openlayers.googleLike === false){ var eng = new ol.layer.Tile( { title : "ESRI National Geographic", visible : true, isBaseLayer : true, name : "eng", source : new ol.source.TileArcGISRest( { url : "http://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/NatGeo_World_Map/MapServer", attributions : [ new ol.Attribution( { html : 'Tiles © ArcGIS' }) ] }) }); var oce = new ol.layer.Tile( { title : "ESRI Ocean Basemap", visible : false, isBaseLayer : true, name : "oce", source : new ol.source.TileArcGISRest( { url : "http://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/Ocean_Basemap/MapServer", attributions : [ new ol.Attribution( { html : 'Tiles © ArcGIS' }) ] }) }); var ims = new ol.layer.Tile( { title : "ESRI Imagery World 2D", visible : false, isBaseLayer : true, name : "ims", source : new ol.source.TileArcGISRest( { url : "http://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/ESRI_Imagery_World_2D/MapServer", attributions : [ new ol.Attribution( { html : 'Tiles © ArcGIS' }) ] }) }); var wsm = new ol.layer.Tile( { title : "ESRI World Street Map", visible : false, isBaseLayer : true, name : "wsm", source : new ol.source.TileArcGISRest( { url : "http://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/ESRI_StreetMap_World_2D/MapServer", attributions : [ new ol.Attribution( { html : 'Tiles © ArcGIS' }) ] }) }); var bra = new ol.layer.Tile( { title : "Base carto MMA", visible : false, isBaseLayer : true, name : "bra", source : new ol.source.TileWMS( { url : "http://mapas.mma.gov.br/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=/opt/www/html/webservices/baseraster.map&", params : { 'layers' : "baseraster", 'srs' : "EPSG:4326", 'format' : "image/png" } }) }); var tms = new ol.layer.Tile( { title : "OSGEO", visible : false, isBaseLayer : true, name : "tms", source : new ol.source.TileWMS( { url : "http://tilecache.osgeo.org/wms-c/Basic.py/", params : { 'layers' : "basic", 'type' : "png", 'srs' : "EPSG:4326", 'format' : "image/png", 'VERSION' : '1.1.1' }, attributions : [ new ol.Attribution( { html : '© 2006-2010, TileCache Contributors' }) ] }) }); i3GEO.Interface.openlayers.LAYERSADICIONAIS = [ eng, oce, ims, wsm, bra, tms ]; } if(typeof ol != "undefined" && i3GEO.Interface.openlayers.googleLike === true){ var attribOSMData = 'Map Data: © OpenStreetMap contributors'; var attribMapQuestAerial = 'Map Data: © Portions Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech and U.S. Depart. of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency, Tiles Courtesy of MapQuest '; var attribStamen = 'Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under CC BY SA'; var osm = new ol.layer.Tile({ title : "OSM", visible : true, isBaseLayer : true, name : "osm", source: new ol.source.OSM({ attributions : [new ol.Attribution({html: attribOSMData})], crossOrigin : "anonymous", url : "http://tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png" }) }); var aquarela = new ol.layer.Tile({ title : "Aquarela", visible : false, isBaseLayer : true, name : "aquarela", source: new ol.source.OSM({ attributions : [new ol.Attribution({html: attribStamen})], crossOrigin : "anonymous", url : "http://tile.stamen.com/watercolor/{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg" }) }); var toner = new ol.layer.Tile({ title : "Toner", visible : false, isBaseLayer : true, name : "toner", source: new ol.source.OSM({ attributions : [new ol.Attribution({html: attribStamen})], crossOrigin : "anonymous", url : "http://tile.stamen.com/toner/{z}/{x}/{y}.png" }) }); var tonerlite = new ol.layer.Tile({ title : "Toner Lite", visible : false, isBaseLayer : true, name : "tonerlite", source: new ol.source.OSM({ attributions : [new ol.Attribution({html: attribStamen})], crossOrigin : "anonymous", url : "http://tile.stamen.com/toner-lite/{z}/{x}/{y}.png" }) }); var layMapQuestAerial = new ol.layer.Tile({ title : "MapQuest Open Aerial", visible : false, isBaseLayer : true, name : "layMapQuestAerial", source: new ol.source.OSM({ attributions : [new ol.Attribution({html: attribMapQuestAerial})], crossOrigin : "anonymous", url : "http://oatile4.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/sat/{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg" }) }); i3GEO.Interface.openlayers.LAYERSADICIONAIS = [ osm, aquarela, toner, tonerlite, layMapQuestAerial ]; } })(); //para a interface googlemaps if(i3GEO.Interface.ATUAL === "googlemaps"){ i3GEO.configura.diminuiyM = 1; i3GEO.configura.diminuiyN = 1; i3GEO.Interface.googlemaps.MAPOPTIONS = { scaleControl : true, mapTypeControl:true, mapTypeControlOptions: { position:google.maps.ControlPosition.LEFT_BOTTOM }, gestureHandling: 'greedy', zoomControl:true, zoomControlOptions: { style:google.maps.ZoomControlStyle.SMALL, position:google.maps.ControlPosition.LEFT_CENTER }, streetViewControl:true, streetViewControlOptions: { position:google.maps.ControlPosition.LEFT_CENTER } }; }